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I know Valpolicella very well, I could make you feel its flavour even from a long distance, by telling you about its scents, places, feelings and experiences. I strongly believe in territory enhancement. I created new itineraries through wineries, local farms, natural beauties, traditional osterie, following the thread of environmental and cultural biodiversity.
I created a network of competent professional guides, closely connected with my valley, who act as its ambassadors. They will disclose different itineraries from those related with wine, showing every shade of Valpolicella: environment and nature, archaeology and monuments, agriculture and handicraft, and even sports.
Are you ready to follow me?


pr storytelling

PR and storytelling


and communication



guiding and itineraries


From the blog

A journey tale

"Know nature which you are part of, and you will be yourself and you will know yourself without any concern nor effort. You are the things that you see."

So wrote Aristotle. We are what we choose to see, but we also are what we choose to drink and eat, where we choose to live, the places and the people we want to know.

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In this section you will find some links I draw inspiration from and with which I work.
My main references for my projects are:


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